It's finally time to say goodbye to 2009 and hello to a new and hopefully brighter 2010. In fact, I know it will be brighter because I have some big plans for 2010 (let's just hope it all works out and that I didn't just jinx myself).
This year I plan to experience a lot of new beginnings. It will be the start of a new and improved me as well as a new start for our family. I want to continue working on the things I mentioned in last years resolutions as well as add to them.
I would like to become a happier and better person. I want to become more confident in who I am and what I do. I will try to be more appreciative and thankful for what I do have in my life. I will focus on the positive and try to make sure I change what's negative.
I will find something to do that I enjoy and am proud to do. I will be more proactive and less reactive. My patience will strengthen and my easy to frustrate self will be eliminated. I will learn to take things a little less seriously and a little less personal when it's necessary.
I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and good luck on your own resolutions. I'd also like to thank everyone for continuing to read this little blog of mine. It has definitely benefited my life in many ways and I hope it provides some for of entertainment and enjoyment for you all as well. I consider it my own personal therapy.

Thursday, December 31, 2009
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All images are property of Laura Sager unless otherwise noted.
Happy New Year!!!!!!! Have a wonderful year 2010 - Love you!